Sunday, August 1, 2010

Steam Threadfin, HongKong Style 清蒸马友( 午鱼 )

It  is quick and easy to steam fish in HK style
Cut and clean the fish(about 300g+), put the ginger slices and spring onion under the fish

          Put the fish to the steamer with boiling water, steam the fish for about 8 min with high heat.  For fish about 300g, 8 min would be just fine. For fish about 500-700g, it takes about 10-11 min.  Remove the juice from the fish then, add in soy sauce (prefer a mix of dark soy sauce + light soy sauce) on the fish.  And spread the fresh spring onions on the top of the fish too.  Heat 2 tablespoons of oil, pour in the oil on the spring onions.  Serve when it is hot.

The fish meat  is very smooth and sweet, you try and you will know!
Yummy yummy... :)