Thursday, March 8, 2012

Boys, Study Time :)

After playing, it's study time!

                   I let them enjoy themselves both in playing and  reading.  Unlike many other parents who let their kids go to the tuition and/or enrichment classes,  I let them study on their own pace.  I let them think, understand what they are taught, not  repeat and/or memorize  every single words they are taught. I  let them find out what the problems in their study and got the problems solved by themselves.   This is how I brought up the sons.
                   For your reference, the sons got the EESIS scholarships, the younger was an IP (Integrated Programme) & gifted student with straight A's in his A level examination ( 4 H2 + H3 papers).  Sorry, no means to show off or whatever.  I'm just another bragging mom who always proud of her own kids.  :)